The Representation of Weston-on-the-Green
Printed in the Bicester Advertiser, 23rd April 1937.
The annual meeting of the Ploughley Rural District Council was held at Waverley House, Bicester, on Friday last, when there were present: Mrs E. Slater Harrison, Rev. A. Wheeler, Major G.E. Gosling, Capt. P.W. Douglas, Messrs. J.F. Dewar-Harrison, A.B. Kenwood, A.J. Collett, F.H. Orchard, R. Emberlin, F.A. Harper, H.W.J.B. Franklin, F.W. Todd, T.E. Kilby, S.W. Smith, F. Wise, A.J. Turner, W.G. Bayley, J.W. Pickford, P.H. Hawes, W.H. Beckley, J.W. Pickford, P.H. Hawes, W.H. Beckley, A. Brown and W.A. Daft, together with the Clerk (Mr Alfred Truman), the Sanitary Inspector (Mr E.F.T. Davis) and the Chief Rating Officer (Mr L.S. Smith).
After the elections of this year’s chairman, vice-chairman and various committees were completed, Mr Bayley, having previously given notice, proposed that a casual vacancy be declared at Weston-on-the-Green. The present representative (Lord Valentia), he said, had attended only one Council meeting in twelve months. He lived in London and had also been abroad, therefore, he contended, had no interest in Weston-on-the-Green, which parish ought to be represented.
Mr Turner seconded.
Captain Douglas enquired why the Parish Council had not made representation.
Mr Bayley said he understood they were in some doubt as to the proper procedure.
Mr Wise, in supporting the resolution, observed that two years ago Lord Valentia wished to retire. No-one was nominated for the parish and he was deemed to be re-elected.
Mr Dewar-Harrison understood no-one would come forward to represent the parish on the occasion referred to.
Mr Bayley said there was a nomination, but this was declared invalid.
Mr Beckley asked if they could be sure someone would come forward to represent the parish if the resolution was passed, otherwise Weston-on-the-Green would be defranchised.
Mr Wise said two or three people were "bursting" to get on the Council.
Mr Orchard was of the opinion that it was not fair to throw a man off the Council like that. Would it not be better, he asked, to write to Lord Valentia asking him to resign. He moved an amendment to that effect.
Major Gosling said that in view of Lord Valentia’s name being more or less trust on the Council he thought the member should be first written to. He seconded the amendment, which was carried.